Thursday, September 18, 2008


Teaching Tip Help students recognize diphthongs by using this multi-sensory activity. Spray a small amount of shaving cream on each students desk. The shaving cream can be spread out and used as a simulated chalk board. Dictate a word aloud and have students spell the word in the shaving cream. Students should then underline the diphthong and give its sound. (Visual, Tactile, Auditory)
Read these sounds with your teacher. Read and memorize each sound and its key word(s). Check each group as you learn it.
The first sound given is the more common sound.
__ 1. ay says /a¯ / as in play at the end of a word.
__ 2. ai says /a¯/ as in aid and sail at the beginning or in the middle of a word.
__ 3. ow says /o¯ / as in snow. ow says /ou/ as in plow. __
4. ou says /ou/ as in out. ou says /o¯¯¯o/ as in soup. __
5. oo says /o¯¯¯o/ as in food. oo says /ooo/ as in book.
__ 6. oy says /oi/ as in toy at the end of a word. oi says /oi/ as in oil and boil at the beginning or in the middle of a word.
__ 7. oa says /o¯ / as in boat. __
8. oe says /o¯ / as in toe. __
9. ee says /e¯/ as in feed. __
10. igh says /i¯/ as in light. __
11. aw says /oˆ / as in saw. __
12. au says /oˆ / as in August. __
13. ie says /e¯/ as in chief.
ie says /i¯/ as in pie.
__14. ea says /e¯/ as in eat. ea says /e./ as in bread. ea says /a¯ / as in steak.
__15. eigh says /a¯ / as in eight. __
16. ew says /u¯ / as in few. ew says /o¯¯¯o/ as in grew. __
17. ey says /e¯ / as in valley. ey says /a¯ / as in they. __
18. ue says /u¯ / as in rescue. ue says /o¯¯¯o/ as in true. __
19. ei says /e¯ / as in ceiling.
ei says /a¯ / as in vein. __
20. eu says /u¯ / as in feud. __
21. er says /er/ as in her. __
22. ir says /er/ as in bird. __
23. ur says /er/ as in burn. __
24. ear says /er/ as in learn. __
25. or says /or/ as in hornet.
or says /er/ as in doctor. or after the letter w usually says /er/ as in word.
__ 26. ar says /a¨r/ as in car. ar says /er/ as in beggar.

If ow in the words below sounds like /o¯/ as in snow, write an . on the line. If ow in the words below sounds like /ou/ as in plow, write a on the line.
______ show ______ how ______ grow ______ own ______ clown ______ crow ______ brown ______ howl ______ crowd ______ low ______ thrown ______ town ______ power ______ blown ______ cow ______ drown ______ shown ______ arrow ______ glow ______ follow ______ gown ______ grown ______ flow ______ crown ______ window ______ tower ______ vowel ______ shower ______ fellow ______ flower ______ towel ______ throw ______ shadow ______ narrow ______ scowl ______ tomorrow

Sounds of oo
If oo in the words below sounds like /o¯¯o/ as in food, write an . on the line. If oo in the words below sounds like /oo/ as in book, write a on the line.
______ moon ______ look ______ broom ______ good ______ droop ______ hood ______ smooth ______ stood ______ wood ______ stoop ______ proof ______ cook ______ hook ______ shook ______ pool ______ fool ______ book ______ boot ______ spool ______ spook ______ spoon ______ swoon ______ noodle ______ noose ______ doom ______ brook ______ cool ______ room ______ crook ______ loose ______ nook ______ boost ______ wool ______ shoot ______ foot ______ soot

Pick the best word to complete each sentence. Write it in the blank.
1. The green sprouts __________________ into a large plant. (drew, grew, brew)
2. The robin __________________ to her nest in the tree. (few, feud, flew)
3. Lewis put more oysters into the __________________. (stew, newt, slew)
4. From the top of the tower, the ranger had a good __________________ of the forest. (yew, view, vow)
5. A sudden gust of wind __________________ my hat off. (bloom, brow, blew)
6. The ball game lasted a __________________ hours. (ewe, few, feud)
7. My aunt __________________ how to draw dinosaurs. (knew, hew, mew)
8. The princess __________________ the jewel into the pond. (shrew, threw, chew)
9. Mr. Hewett helped us __________________ for the test. (review, outgrew, withdrew)
10. At dawn, the ground was wet frow the __________________. (pew, allow, dew)

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